Partnerships: Healthcare Fundraising Beyond #GivingTuesday

Healthcare organizations face the challenge of raising significant funds to support capital projects, research, and patient resources. While traditional fundraising events and campaigns are valuable, sports partnerships offer a unique and impactful approach to soliciting donations.

Cause Marketing: Igniting Passion Through Innovative Campaigns

Cause marketing, when executed strategically, can ignite passion and drive meaningful action. The Fast 54 campaign, a collaboration between NFL linebacker Bobby Wagner, the Seattle Seahawks, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health (VMFH), and Hero Projects, stands as a shining example of cause marketing's transformative potential. By transforming Bobby Wagner into a superhero teaching stroke awareness through a comic book, Fast 54 has engaged fans and raised significant funds for stroke care. This innovative approach demonstrates the power of cause marketing to go beyond traditional fundraising methods and create a lasting impact.

Maximizing Partnerships for Awareness and Fundraising

Partnerships provide healthcare systems with opportunities to:

  • Raise awareness: League-wide initiatives and team-specific promotions align healthcare systems with popular causes, increasing visibility and engagement.

  • Increase donations: In-stadium, digital, TV, and radio campaigns promote fundraising, encouraging fans to contribute.

  • Create exclusive experiences: Auctions featuring signed memorabilia or unique experiences, like the Seattle Kraken's Zamboni ride, generate excitement and drive donations.

  • Leverage built-in fundraising platforms: Partnerships with sports teams often include 50/50 raffles or trigger campaigns, providing additional fundraising channels.

  • Secure annual pledges: Contracted pledges, like the Atlanta Falcons' support of Emory Healthcare's Winship Cancer Institute, guarantee a steady stream of funding.

  • Host radiothons: These tried-and-true fundraising events continue to be effective in raising significant amounts of money.

Support Healthcare Causes on #GivingTuesday

On this global day of generosity, consider supporting healthcare organizations that align with your passions:

Playbook for Health: Your Partner in Fundraising Success

Playbook for Health is dedicated to helping healthcare systems navigate an array of partnerships and achieve their fundraising goals. Contact us today to explore how we can assist you, and in the meantime, join our mailing list for insights. 


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