Addressing health challenges affecting underserved communities.



COVID 19 has dramatically shed light on the impact of race, socioeconomic status and geographic location on health disparities, as all contribute to an individual’s ability to achieve good health. As a result, healthcare systems are making it a priority to address these issues. Bendigo has been asked on behalf of our clients to formulate devices and programs to drive awareness, education and philanthropy to improve health equity. 


Emory Healthcare, Atlanta Falcons and Matt Ryan

In 2019, the Atlanta Falcons and Emory Healthcare extended their existing partnership agreement in order to further support the health of the community. As part of the partnership, the Falcons integrated specific philanthropic programs to support Emory Healthcare’s research in support of community health. 

In 2020, with the pandemic disproportionately affecting so many Georgians, it became clear to support community health meant providing health education and improving access to healthcare for the most vulnerable populations. 

Bendigo helped Emory develop a co-branded joint philanthropic program through which Emory, the Falcons and Matt Ryan could deploy programs to address these issues.

Emory Healthcare and Atlanta Hawks

To address vaccine hesitancy throughout Georgia, and in particular locations disproportionately affected by COVID 19, Bendigo worked with Emory to have vaccinated Atlanta Hawks players, coaches and alumni speak on their behalf to educate the community on why they’ve taken the vaccine.

Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, Seattle Sounders FC and Seattle Mariners

Similarly in Seattle, determined to improve access to healthcare, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health asked Bendigo to deliver ideas to team up with its sports partners to fight health challenges exacerbated by COVID 19. 

An opportunity to be agile and nimble, Bendigo stepped to the plate to bring together vaccination clinics at Sounders FC and Mariners games, and VMFH joined forces with Sounders FC for vaccination clinics in socio-economic disadvantaged locations. 


The cause-marketing program, HealthyATL, built out its philanthropic arm with an annual $300k matching fundraising pledge to fight health disparities in Atlanta. The pledge promises to provide health education and nutritious food options to underrepresented communities, create programs to educate Georgians about health disparities and ways to close the gap, advance research for diagnosis and treatment, and improve and increase access to healthcare in the Emory Healthcare system.

The Atlanta Hawks and Emory created a program called Take the Shot with a PSA featuring Dominique Wilkins, Clint Capella and Danilo Gallinari with a CTA to head to with answers from the doctors frequently asked questions about the vaccine.

Through three Mariners games with clinics, VMFH helped vaccinate over 200 and will remain present for the foreseeable future. The first Sounders match with an in-stadium clinic vaccinated 60, and will activate clinics throughout South Seattle to provide vaccinations at soccer camps throughout the summer of 2021.