Playing for a Health Community —Developing a Spokesperson Strategy

Recently, a prominent local athlete was pitched to a healthcare system for consideration as a spokesperson. What is the value proposition?


As NIL (name, image, and likeness) gains momentum alongside the growth of influencer marketing, this is a common question our clients ask. Consumers are seeking third-party validation when choosing brands at the expense of first-party voiced ads. With the cost of entry to sports teams rising, athlete fees are also going up but are varied pending the saturation. From pro-bono partnerships supporting a cause important to a particular athlete, to star players seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars, providers must be strategic about such a marketing investment.

So back to the question – should our healthcare system tie a spokesperson to our sports activations? We believe so – if you have a clear strategy.

The right spokespeople can provide a significant lift to brand perceptions of team fans.

Fans who recall a spokesperson tied to a healthcare system’s sponsorship were 2.5x more likely to recall, and 2x more likely to have utilized the healthcare system services.

When featured in philanthropic campaigns, fans were 4x more likely to recall the drive when it included a player spokesperson. These increases are substantial, as rising recall builds the audience awareness of your team partnership, adding context to your message, and increasing familiarity, trust, consideration, and ultimately utilization.

Let’s circle back to the “clear strategies” component.

 When choosing a spokesperson, it’s important to consider:

  • What’s your system’s mission, marketing strategy, and team activation platform? Does the spokesperson represent you and your marketing plans? Just because they’re a star player, doesn’t mean their story aligns with yours.

  • Does your target audience relate to the spokesperson? A rookie star player could be exciting, but can they articulate they carry the message a retired player might when discussing annual screenings targeting an older demographic? Would a retired athlete, broadcast talent or coach be more relevant to your goals?

  • Do you have a marketing campaign already built that would align seamlessly with such an endorsement beyond a few social posts? Assigning budget and assets to feature your spokesperson will be needed to achieve the lift you’re seeking.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Contact us to discuss how we approach developing and deploying a spokesperson strategy in more detail.


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