#HMPS23 Playback: A Data-Driven Approach to Sponsorships

Last week our team joined representatives from the leading healthcare organizations for the 28th Healthcare Marketing & Physician Strategies Summit (HMPS23) in Austin, TX.

Our president, Mike LaPorta, joined Emory Healthcare's Amy Comeau, Kettering Health's Jimmy Phillips, and Penn Medicine's Tricia Bell for an impactful presentation that unpacked how healthcare systems use data-backed approaches to develop award-winning sponsorship strategies that deliver on cross-system KPIs. Here's a glance at the rich content the speakers touched on.

 Here is what the sponsorship playing field looks like:

  • Sports viewership continues to grow, and the investment to partner with these sports properties is rising.

  • Investments with sports teams are spreading across a vast portfolio of partners like youth, participatory events, and festivals.

  • With expanded investment comes greater competition to secure rights, which translates into higher rights fees.

  • Based on these factors, the investment made by healthcare systems in partnership with sports teams has increased drastically.

  • With higher costs to partner with sports properties, there is a greater need to be strategic about the approach and create purposeful activations that drive actions.

What is the play?

  • Playbook and several leading healthcare systems use research data to determine the right portfolio balance. Additionally, we recommend thoroughly measuring how sponsorships are performing year-over-year to continue improving the outcomes.

  • The key to success is optimizing partnerships. To enhance sponsorships, we're activating across the healthcare system to maximize the value of the assets, as shown by these client case studies:

    • Community / Crucial Catch: clients who have built strong foundations by establishing community programs that show the benefit of early detection and drive necessary health screenings like this Crucial Catch program, have been very successful.

    • Employee Recruitment: we strongly advocate for utilizing sports partnerships for recruitment efforts—this healthcare system recently hired 20 new nurses from an Atlanta Hawks recruitment-focused event, which led to significant cost reductions versus paying for traveling nurses. Additionally, the system also found success in shifting the focus of its Crucial Catch campaign from a cancer-focused platform to a recruitment message to generate new workforce leads for its newly built cancer care facility.

    • We have seen success with several clients who've curated CRM opt-in campaigns through sports partnerships that positively drive patient journeys, which lead to appointments. For example, Emory Healthcare had a successful sports mask giveaway lead-generation campaign that positively supported patient acquisition goals.   

What are the takeaways?

  • Using research and data to establish, maintain and evaluate your sponsorship portfolio ensures optimization.

  • We support our clients by:

    • Creating a methodology for assessing contribution, curating a net margin contribution value based on the data, and yielding a directional “Net Contribution Attribution” multiple that helps to assess the ROI.

    • Using a data approach to determining the right asset mix in the partnership yields higher fan recall and drives affinity.

    • Using 75+ trusted sources to calculate media equivalent value for brands of sports partnerships including broadcast, digital, stadium, social, and earned media—which through strategic planning, the value has often exceeded rights fees annually. 

Are you ready to optimize your sponsorship portfolio using data-backed methods? Contact us today to discuss the opportunities to enhance your partnerships by emailing us at info@playbookforhealth.com.


Playing for a Health Community —Developing a Spokesperson Strategy


Playbook for Creating Measurable ROI through Sponsorships