Sports Business Journal: Opening Up the Playbook for Better Healthcare Partnerships

Recently, Playbook for Health's CEO, Jeff Sofka, sat down with The Sports Business Journal to discuss how the sports industry is witnessing a fascinating shift, with healthcare emerging as a major player in the sponsorship landscape. Playbook for Health offers teams and leagues the expertise to navigate this evolving space.

Key Takeaways:

  • Healthcare is a major player: It's the fifth-largest category for sports partnerships, with spending on the NFL alone estimated at a staggering $160 million in 2023.

  • Beyond branding: While ubiquitous, healthcare partnerships go beyond traditional sponsorships. They require integration with community health initiatives, cause marketing, and a strong focus on social responsibility.

  • Bridging the gap: Playbook for Health's deep understanding of both healthcare and sports allows them to create mutually beneficial partnerships for both parties.

  • Tailored approach: Healthcare systems have distinct needs compared to consumer product companies. They seek impactful, programmatic campaigns that resonate with fans and inspire them to adopt healthier lifestyles, participate in screenings, or even join their workforce.

  • Building trust: Healthcare partnerships can elevate a sports property's brand image by demonstrating their commitment to community health and fostering trust with fans.

Read the full article in Sports Business Journal.


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